Chicago White Sox Hat

Newest styles and brands of new era hats for sale

Street beat Japan released the latest, fashionable street wear stacked film personality mix demonstr

Japan's pursuit of original fashion clothing you do not always give the same fashion. Japan shot in the street with the most common way of dressing is to wear stacked or multi-layered mix. That in fashion this season with a 
discount coat in the street in Japan, will demonstrate what kind of fashion out of it?

Relaxed version of the model, large size women's styles of coarse knitting
knit hats dress with this season's most fashionable clothing in one single product. You see the Japanese shot in the street of fashion wearing a long version of the coarse knitting on a sweater cardigan with khaki slacks and canvas shoes tremendous personal warmth, with simple color matching of youth to make the overall degree up.

Nordic style knit sweater to wear stacked thick black motorcycle jacket and a long gray sweater layering and rhythm are strong Oh. But it still did not forget to dress with style coupled with a printed lace leggings and fashion men's boots, patchwork, to avoid too cumbersome and heavy, Hyun a personality.
Par linzhongtao le mardi 09 août 2011


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