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The longer the fiber, the better the bulkiness, which also proved the toughness will be more cotton

Clean off the pulp after the color will become blue pants a little, which proves the original industrial dye impurities (ie, dirty part) points left. The rest is thorough blue pants plush surface will appear, this Maoyue Feng Fu longer represents the use of cotton discount jeans, the more outstanding. Because cotton is good or bad is to look at the bulkiness and the fiber length, the longer the fiber, the better the bulkiness, which also proved the toughness will be more cotton stick.

As this pair of laguna beach jeans off the pulp after the beginning looks is completely diminished state, feeling small, so please remember, do not pants did not dry on the upper range, calling: stereotypes, this is only those who play a few did not, just pretending to be mystery to cattle as it is mysterious children do. In fact, according to the usual wear on it.

Will definitely start to wear tight some buttons on the buckle does not does not matter, because the state of the thread is locked, with the time wearing Armani jeans, cotton fiber will be re-opened, which is usually referred to wear away. This time, if just, then you can rest assured that the cattle had.

Par linzhongtao le jeudi 14 juillet 2011


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